About Us
Our collegues at Sugar Holding Ltd. Co. have gathered decades of experience in the field of preparing commercial and industrial projects.
Besides using our services the investor could radically minimalize the risks, because of the
Guaranteed fast and professional service provided by the most skilled architects, economical, financial, IT,
and law experts and university teachers, plus we are handling our businesses with the utmost discretion.
Outstanding advantage is that at the site developing we could guarantee besides the calculated land price the legally binding regulation plan and the principled building permit
, and for request we could process the acquisition of the building permit too.
Further Activities:
Key-ready delivery
Rental service
In the past 17 years the exploding development of commercial projects could be
observed, which has radically changed the hungarian shopping habits.
After the political system change the large scale off-border companies with lot
of experience in the running of supermarkets had appeared in the hungarian market,
causing a not little fear among the local trading enterpreneurs.
5 years after the political system change came the first multinational hypermarket
running companies to discover the local market’s preferences, and to prepare their future settlements.
The existence and procedures of the multinational companies with their powerful expansion has
made the hungarian trade companies to change their old strategy and to try to compete with the
well-funded, well-organized and managed concurence. Trade cooperations were formed, who,
involving hungarian traders, and by supporting them with funds and know-how, have sliced out an
even larger share on the market thanks to their good business strategy
In many countries wordwide a massive concentration of trading companies could be observed,
which causes a noticable setback in the number of participants, and let even more powerful,
and viable companies to emerge. In the hungarian market this kind of concentration is actually
marginal, but there are even more signs, revealing that this process won’t evade Hungary. However
the evolved purchase partneships nicely reflect the connections of interest, which determines
the future power relations.
The trend of the development generated new challenges. In the even more powerful concurence
struggle the companies besides the need of constant expansion are forced to prepare and execute
their researches as watchfully as possible, if they want to hold their position and the supposed
share on the market.
From the active and the inquiring companies in the hungarian market present an even growing need for
such complex commerce developing services and applied practical project researches, which will minimalize
the participants’s risks and which lets them take their investments off in the shortest time frame.
Our staff has been present on the market for decades. Since the foundation our gathered experience and
references are the warranty. If you choose us, you will find a reliable, stable
partner in us. Our activities in Hungary had provided us enough knowledge to let you entrust us to deal with your
1037 Budapest
Montevideo u. 3/A
Telefon: +36 (06) 1 336 0270
Telefax: +36 (06) 1 336 0271
E-mail: sales@sugarholding.hu
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