Investement preparation
To lay down the conditions of area purchase with the owners, and to arrange the agreements taking the principal's interests into consideration:
Arrangement and acceptance of the options agreements with the owners
Arrangement and acceptance of the sales contract with the owners
To perform the act of sale of the requested areas
To perform the act of sale of the areas to be expropriated
To have talks with the concerned local governments, and registers of title deeds:
Acquire the requisite support of the local government to execute the project
Prepare the documentation for the decultivation of the land
Conduct the decultivation act, procedure at the register of title deeds
Prepare the merging of lands documentation
Prepare the documentation for splitting up the expropriated lands
Procedure at the register of title deeds
The creation, modification of the Construction and Regulation plan:
Choose and recommend the firm for creating the documentation
Data supply towards the designer according to the investors conception
Prediction of plan acceptance
Prepare the vehicular concept, preliminary arrangements
Create a traffic impact study
Create a commerce impact study
Create an enviromental impact study
Silouette analysis
Contacting with the concerned authorities, vocational immunities, local governments and major architects of the area
Constant follow u pof the running project, and in case of a problem proceed with the necessary intervention
In case of running projects we undertake to create the following surveys:
Surroundings research in a circular or isocrone system
Purchasing power index analysis
Concurence analysis
Consumer contenment analysis
Consumer needs survey
Adveritsing papers use, economy study
Marketing surveys according to the procurer's needs
To present the results of the above mentioned in the given surroundings separately by neighborhood, district, settelement, or ZIP code.
Presentation of the geographical location of the planned project:
Introduce the agglomeration
According to the ma pof the city
With the aerial photos of the area
According to the plot, which indicates the approache options, big traffic junctions
According to the long-range development (Structural and marginal) plans
In the generic topographical surroundings
Considering its green areas and the incident living waters
Considering the natural and artificial obstacles
Present the land register preferences of the planned project:
Purchasing the up to date maps from the register of title deeds both in printed and digital format
Locate the area according to the maps from the register of title deeds
Present the land register preferences according to the valid regulation plan
Actual zoning of the parcel
Assign the parcels on a 1/1000 plot
Present the ownership pattern of the area
Present the assiduity rights on the drawing
Pre-emption right
Private way appurtenant
Indicating the available infrastructure
Presenting the neighbouring parcels in the zone
Indicating the parcels containing specific buildings
City regulation requirements
Knowing the Condtruction and Regulation plan of the zone, specifically:
Presenting the build-up of the area
Percentage of covert area (streets and parking areas)
Percentage of green area
Presenting the necessary authorizations
Specification of the separate surveys to be created
Presenting the appropriate perscriptions in the plan about the form, height, facade of the buildings
Processing the geodesical machanical and contanimation examination of the ground
• geodesical measuring of the concerned zone
• presenting the results of the neighbouring constructions
• mapping the aboveground and subsurface waters
• soil preferences based on on-site and laboratory analysis
• discovering the local bounds, as:
Ground architectural preferences
Slope instability
Natural or artificial underground mine-pits
Earthquake risk
Eddy currents
Soil agressivity
Effect of the ground-mechanical measurement result on the execution of the plan:
Presenting the applyable basement solution
Exploited and recultivated soil balance
Determining the carrying capacity of the ground from the point of road surface construction
State of surface- and groundwaters
Creating the 1/1000 ground-mechanical plans of the area
Effect on finances
Presenting the administrative and judiciary situation
Presenting the realization process of the plan
Authorities, ministries concerned during the realization of the project
Concerned vocational immunities during the realization of the project
Present their competence from the point of the authorization process of the plan
Presenting the necessary authorization processes:
About the creation or modification of the construction plan
In the field of creating or modifying the regulation plan
The technical construction
The enviromental impact study
Traffic planning survey
Creating a commercial impact study
Necessity of a silouette analysis
Residential forum
Demolition permission
Building, basement, partial or complete building certificate
Warranty of compliance
Labour regulating and supervising authority
1037 Budapest
Montevideo u. 3/A
Telefon: +36 (06) 1 336 0270
Telefax: +36 (06) 1 336 0271
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